Investera i Cereno

Cereno Scientific är ett banbrytande biotechbolag i klinisk fas med fokus på att utveckla innovativa, effektiva och säkra behandlingar för sällsynta och vanliga kardiovaskulära sjukdomar med stora medicinska behov. Kardiovaskulär sjukdom är den främsta dödsorsaken i världen och tar livet av nästan dubbelt så många människor som cancer. Det är ett samlingsbegrepp för alla sjukdomar som involverar hjärtat och/eller blodkärlen. En majoritet av de komplikationer som uppstår vid kardiovaskulär sjukdom är orsakade av en blockerande blodpropp i en ven eller artär i kroppen. Väldigt många som drabbas av en blodpropp får som en konsekvens till exempel hjärtinfarkt, sekundär hjärtsvikt, hjärtarytmier, stroke och andra direkta manifestationer av blodproppar i lungor eller perifera kärl.

Cerenos portfölj består av:

  • Läkemedelskandidaten CS1, en HDAC-hämmare med epigenetiska effekter, i Fas II utvecklas som en behandling av sällsynta sjukdomen pulmonell arteriell hypertension (PAH).
  • Läkemedelskandidaten CS014, en ny HDAC-hämmare med epigenetiska effekter, under utveckling som en behandling för att förebygga trombos (blodpropp), som för närvarande utvärderas i en first-in-human Fas I-studie.
  • Läkemedelskandidaten CS585, en ny IP-receptoragonist, i preklinisk utveckling. Samtidigt som CS585 ännu inte tilldelats en specifik indikation för klinisk utveckling, indikerar prekliniska data att det potentiellt kan användas inom indikationer som pulmonell hypertension och trombosprevention utan ökad risk för blödning.


Cereno Scientifics B-aktier (CRNO B) handlas på Nasdaq First North Growth Market sedan juni 2023 efter en flytt från Spotlight Stock Market där bolaget varit listat sedan i juni 2016.

Aktiekapitalets utveckling


Aktier av serie A berättigar till tio (10) röster per aktie och aktier av serie B berättigar till en (1) röst per aktie. Aktiens kvotvärde uppgår avrundat till 0,10 kr. Samtliga aktier är av ett och samma slag, har lika rätt till andel i Bolagets tillgångar och vinster.

Uppdaterat: juni 2024

ÅrHändelseKvotvärde (SEK)Skillnad i aktierSkillnad i summa (SEK) Totalt antal aktierTotalt aktiekapital (SEK)
2024Nyemission0,1047 926 6084 792 661281 701 84228 170 184
2023Företrädesemission0,1096 260 3909 626 039233 775 23423 377 523
2022Nyemission0,1032 253 0623 225 306137 514 84413 751 484
2021Nyemission0,1033 442 4703 344 247,00105 261 78210 526 178,20
2020Riktad emission0,131 600 0003 160 00071 819 3127 181 931,20
2019Konvertering0,10533 33353 333,3015 181 3031 518 130,30
2019Konvertering0,10666 66666 666,6015 847 9691 584 796,90
2019Konvertering0,103 333 333333 333,3019 181 3021 918 130,20
2019Företrädesemission0,1019 181 3021 918 130,2038 362 6043 836 260,40
2019Övertilldelningsemission0,101 724 137172 413,7040 086 7414 008 674,10
2019Ersättningsemission0,10132 57113 257,1040 219 3124 021 931,20
2018Konvertering0,10188 67918 867,9011 179 1791 117 917,90
2018Konvertering0,10444 44444 444,4011 623 6231 162 362,30
2018Konvertering0,10540 54054 054,0012 164 1631 216 416,30
2018Konvertering0,10483 870483 870012 648 0331 264 803,30
2018Konvertering0,10419 35441 935,4013 067 3871 306 738,70
2018Konvertering0,10384 61438 461,4013 452 0011 345 200,10
2018Konvertering0,10269 23026 92313 721 2311 372 123,10
2018Konvertering0,10307 69230 769,2014 028 9231 402 892,30
2018Konvertering0,10333 33333 333,3014 362 2561 436 225,60
2018Konvertering0,10285 71428 571,4014 647 9701 464 797
2016Riktad emission11 2001 20061 80561 805
2016Fondemission10-556 24561 805618 050
2016Aktiesplit 100:10,16 118 6956 180 500618 050
2016Uppdelning A-/B- aktier0,106 180 500
2016Riktad emission0,10 1 420 000 1 420 0007 600 500760 050
2016Riktad emission0,10450 00045 0008 050 500805 050
2016Listningsemission0,102 940 000294 00010 990 5001 099 050
2012Nybildning150 00050 00050 00050 000
2012Riktad emission110 60510 60560 60560 605

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07 October 2024

Cereno Scientific – executive interview

Cereno Scientific (OMX: CRNO-B) is a clinical-stage biotech focused on developing treatments for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) using novel approaches. The company has an exciting pipeline of differentiated assets targeting unmet needs in CVD, with two clinical programmes and one preclinical programme. Lead candidate CS1 has an interesting mechanism of action (a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) showing epigenetic modulation properties) and promises disease-modifying properties in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a rare, debilitating and progressive condition with no curative therapies. The company recently presented positive Phase IIa data for CS1 and is gearing up for discussions with regulators on a potential Phase IIB/III pivotal study. The potential of Cereno’s HDACi programme to reverse disease progression in PAH was also highlighted in the preclinical data reported recently for CS014, the company’s other HDACi programme, which entered the clinic in June 2024 and is in a Phase I trial for thrombosis prevention (the leading cause of morbidity in CVD), but without the increased risk of bleeding associated with currently available antithrombotics. The preclinical asset CS585, a novel prostacyclin (IP) receptor agonist, is currently under evaluation for different CVD indications, backed by encouraging preclinical data.

In this video, we talk to Sten Sörensen, CEO of Cereno Scientific, about the exciting clinical data for CS1 and what the results mean for the company’s near-term development plans. We also discuss Cereno’s other pipeline assets as well as key upcoming catalysts.

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02 October 2024

Cereno Scientific — CS1 shines in Phase IIa PAH trial


Cereno Scientific has reported positive top-line results for the Phase IIa CS1-003 trial, which evaluated the HDAC inhibitor CS1 in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). The primary endpoint of safety and tolerability was met and, importantly, CS1 delivered encouraging results on exploratory efficacy measures, creating a strong foundation for the next steps of clinical development, in our view. The recently signed agreement with medical technology company Fluidda to visualise the impact of CS1 on the reverse remodelling of pulmonary vessels is another positive step and could bolster the data package for the candidate. With the recent preclinical data on CS014, Cereno now has two HDAC inhibitors in its portfolio with disease-modifying potential and we expect this to influence discussions with regulators, as well as potential partners. As management is planning a potentially pivotal Phase IIb/III trial, we raise our probability of success for CS1 to 40% (from 25%), resulting in our valuation for Cereno upgrading to SEK13.9/share from SEK9.1/share.

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04 September 2024

Cereno Scientific — CS1 granted OMPD, complementing FDA ODD

Flash note

Cereno Scientific’s lead asset CS1 has been granted the Orphan Medicinal Product Designation (OMPD) from the European Commission as a potential treatment for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). The OMPD provides 10 years of market exclusivity, assuming CS1 receives EU regulatory approval, in addition to fee waivers during the development process. Further, this regulatory designation complements the FDA Orphan Drug Designation (ODD) granted in 2020, bolstering the value proposition of the candidate. We expect this news will be viewed positively as investors await the Phase II CS1 trial’s topline results in PAH, expected in September 2024.

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02 September 2024

Cereno Scientific — Pressing clinical assets forward to key inflection


Cereno Scientific has announced its Q224 results, reflecting tangible progress with its clinical candidates. Key developments include closing of patient recruitment for the Phase II CS1 trial (as of 1 July) and the rapid clinical entry for CS014. Initial safety data from the CS014 study are anticipated from mid-2025 and will serve as a key catalyst. In the near term, we expect investor interest to be focused on the top-line readouts (within Q324) from the Phase II trial for lead asset CS1 in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), following the recent news on first patient dosing under the Expanded Access Programme. Based on current burn rates and gross cash at hand of c SEK86m, we estimate that the company is funded through Q125, slightly shorter than our previous estimate of Q225, but well beyond this upcoming inflection point. Our valuation adjusts slightly to SEK2.6bn or SEK9.1/share, from SEK2.5bn or SEK9.0/share previously.

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02 July 2024

Cereno Scientific — CS1 Phase II results inbound; first dose of CS014

Flash note

Cereno Scientific has released updates on its two most advanced clinical programmes. For CS1, which is being investigated as a potential treatment for pulmonary arterial hypertension, recruitment has been closed for the Phase II trial, meaning that data analysis may commence. Top-line results are on track to be shared in Q324, consistent with prior guidance, and potentially representing the company’s most significant upcoming catalyst. For CS014, Cereno has now confirmed that the first participant has been dosed, quick on the heels of the recent clearance from the European Medicines Agency for the trial launch. CS014 has shown promise in preclinical studies as a novel treatment for thrombosis prevention without increased risk of bleeding, a key limitation of current antithrombotic medication. We anticipate initial data in mid-2025.

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21 June 2024

Cereno Scientific — CS014 (second asset) crosses into the clinic


The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has approved Cereno Scientific’s Clinical Trial Application (CTA) for CS014, a novel HDAC inhibitor with epigenetic effects. CS014 targets thrombosis prevention and is expected to do so without increased risk of bleeding, a key limitation of currently approved antithrombotics. Management has communicated that the drug product has been shipped to the trial sites and work on patient recruitment has begun. The Phase I trial will assess the safety and tolerability of the drug in healthy volunteers. This will be the company’s second asset to enter the clinic after its lead asset, CS1. Following this regulatory milestone, we have updated our probability of approval from 5% to 7.5%, resulting in a lift to our valuation for Cereno to SEK2.54bn or SEK9.0/share, from SEK2.46bn or SEK8.8/share, previously.

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24 May 2024

Cereno Scientific — All eyes on Q3 readout after Q1 update


Cereno Scientific’s Q124 results provided a financial update and recapped the company’s clinical plans and progress. The Phase II trial for lead asset CS1 (pulmonary arterial hypertension, PAH) remains on track for a Q324 readout and we expect the Expanded Access Program approved by the FDA in January 2024 will help Cereno build a more robust data package for the subsequent Phase IIb/III trial. Additionally, the clinical trial application (CTA) submission for CS014 to the EMA in April 2024 brings a second asset to the clinic, bolstering the company’s clinical pipeline. We believe Cereno’s liquidity, post the SEK73.6m cash injection from the warrants exercise announced in March and assuming drawdown of the remaining SEK45m debt facility, provides operational headroom through Q225, ex-debt repayments. Our valuation slightly adjusts to SEK2.46bn from SEK2.32bn, previously, but declines to SEK8.8, from SEK9.9, on a per share basis with the higher share count post warrant conversion.

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16 April 2024

Cereno Scientific — CS014 (thrombosis) progresses towards the clinic

Flash note

Cereno Scientific has taken a step closer to advancing its second asset, CS014, a novel HDAC inhibitor with epigenetic effects, to the clinic with the submission of the clinical trial application (CTA) to the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The CTA is for the first-in-human Phase I trial for CS014, which Cereno is developing for thrombosis prevention, without increased risk of bleeding. We believe this has the potential to address the main limitation of current standard-of-care antithrombotic medicines and offers a sizeable opportunity for Cereno (backed by supportive preclinical data). Subject to clearance from the EMA, management plans to commence the Phase I study in Q224, consistent with prior guided timelines. Cereno’s lead asset is CS1, which is in a Phase II trial for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). The results are expected in Q324, potentially representing the company’s next catalyst, in our view.

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26 February 2024

Cereno Scientific – Executive interview with CSO and CMO

In this video, Soo Romanoff, healthcare managing director of Edison Group, interviews Bjorn Dahlof, CSO of Cereno Scientific, and CMO Rahul Agrawal, who discuss the company’s innovative product portfolio and targeting unmet needs in the cardiovascular diseases (CVD) space.

Cereno Scientific is a clinical-stage biotech focused on developing treatments for CVD using novel approaches. The company has an exciting pipeline of differentiated assets targeting unmet needs in CVD, with one clinical and two preclinical programmes. Lead candidate CS1 has an interesting mechanism of action (a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) showing epigenetic modulation properties) and promises disease-modifying properties in pulmonary arterial hypertension, a rare, debilitating and progressive condition with no curative therapies. With Phase II readouts expected in Q324, the company is approaching a significant period of inflection. The preclinical pipeline is led by CS014, a novel HDACi, initially targeting thrombosis (the leading cause of morbidity in CVD), but without increased risk of bleeding associated with currently available antithrombotics. With preclinical studies complete, the drug is set to enter the clinic in H124. The company’s other preclinical asset, CS585, is an IP agonist, currently under evaluation for different CVD indications, backed by encouraging preclinical evidence.

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22 February 2024

Cereno Scientific – executive interview

In this video, Soo Romanoff, healthcare managing director of Edison Group, interviews Sten Sörensen, CEO of Cereno Scientific, who discusses the company’s innovative product portfolio, targeting unmet needs in the cardiovascular diseases (CVD) space, and the key upcoming catalysts.

Cereno Scientific is a clinical-stage biotech focused on developing treatments for CVD using novel approaches. The company has an exciting pipeline of differentiated assets targeting unmet needs in CVD, with one clinical and two preclinical programmes. Lead candidate CS1 has an interesting mechanism of action (a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) showing epigenetic modulation properties) and promises disease-modifying properties in pulmonary arterial hypertension, a rare, debilitating and progressive condition with no curative therapies. With Phase II readouts expected in Q324, the company is approaching a significant period of inflection. The preclinical pipeline is led by CS014, a novel HDACi, initially targeting thrombosis (the leading cause of morbidity in CVD), but without increased risk of bleeding associated with currently available antithrombotics. With preclinical studies complete, the drug is set to enter the clinic in H124. The company’s other preclinical asset, CS585, is an IP agonist, currently under evaluation for different CVD indications, backed by encouraging preclinical evidence.

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